Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 2: Little bumpy...but we hung in there! :)

So, I had today all planned out, thinking that David would have Aden at the Tamarac with him from about 8am to 11am... sooooo...I had planned more in depth stuff with Kendyl during this time period. Well, David came home last night from work saying, "I'm working 1st and 2nd shift tomorrow." Needless to say, my plan needed some last minute adjusting! Being too tired last night (david gets home at 11:30), I just decided to adjust as we went today! soooo....yeah....not so easy! at least it wasn't today! Aden just turned 3 and he is a boy... those of you with boys will understand! :) It made for an interesting day, for sure. We did have a few tears (mostly from me!)... but when it got to that point, we just took a 'break' and the kids watched Word World while mommy read her Bible, prayed, and check fb! :) AHHH... much better after that! :)

8:00 We all started the day with Prayer & Praise Songs... which went very well :) Then they each picked some toys they wanted to 'show & tell' (funny, i know!)... that went extremely well too! :)

I had planned at this time, to work on some animal research with Kendyl (follow-up from our zoo trip)...well, this would've simply frustrated aden and he really wanted to be with us and not play by himself at this point... so, we played a dice game (threw the dice, counted them, found a number card to match--then threw 2 of them, added them up and found a matching card)--this went fairly well...

After this, I told Aden that I needed to do Kendyl's math book with her and he was surprisingly fine just playing with the blocks and colored tiles :) So, Kendyl and I did her Saxon math #2 lesson--she did her first 'homework' page in it :) which included drawing she loved it :)

9:30 Kendyl was a little restless from sitting and writing, so I gave them both some free play options while I figured out what we should do next!

9:45 We 'matched' a 6 of pairs of shoes, put them in a row, counted them, then practiced counting by 2's with them:) great visual for counting by 2's :)

10:00 Wet-Dry-Try (a Handwriting without tears activity)...I drew the number on the chalkboard, then used a wet sponge to draw over the number, then dried it carefully, so you could still see the 'outline'...then the kids traced the numbers.

At this point, we for whatever reason, all kept having bad attitudes... so we had to talk about a verse we memorized a long time ago... 'do everything without complaining or arguing'... I needed this reminder today, maybe more than the kids!! don't know what my deal was, grrrr! :(

10:15 Writing: did 'warm-ups' with both kids, then the letter 'E' with Kendyl while aden played trains

10:30 Snack & Stories: Read Good Knight by: Linda R. Rymill and Princess Knight by: Cornelia Funke & Kerstin Meyer --both excellent books! :)

11:00 RECESS!! We all needed this!! We ran around chasing each other... then did some obstacle courses and duck duck goose :)

11:30 For whatever reason, when we came in, instead of being rejuvinated from the outdoors, they were both grumpy!! sooo, we had a rest time--they watched Word World and I took a devotional & fb break! ahhh! :)

12:00 Art: we played with moon sand, making castles and 'digging for dino bones'... :) during this, I made lunch

12:30 lunch

1:00 Bible lesson: read from Step into the Bible by Ruth Graham, reviewed yesterday's verse (verse for whole month) "I praise you because you made me, in an amazing and wonderful way." psalm 139:14 and learned a new verse (verse for this week) "In the begining, God created the Heavens and the Earth" Genesis 1:1

They put their verses into their 'hearts' (we made these canisters to represent them and their 'hearts'--"I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." psalm 119:11 :) great visual for them!

1:30 Aden watched the Leap Frog video "Math Circus" and Kendyl played dress-up and with her doll (she read her phonics books to her doll) :)

2:00 Hooked on Phonics with Kendyl... Aden fell asleep :) YAY! Kendyl practiced spelling words that have blended begining sounds: chop, chat, chin, shed, ship, then, this, that, snap, when, etc. ...she knows these blends VERY well when they are by themselves 'ch', 'sh', 'th', 'wh', 'sm', 'sn'...but, is having a more difficult time 'reading' them while in a word... so we are doing this lesson again tomorrow :)

2:30 Read some phonics books with Kendyl (took turns reading pages)... then we 'practiced' some of her dance moves she's learning in ballet/tap :)

3:00 Social studies: Learned about maps...talked about what the world looks like from the moon...directions (N/S, W/E)...and learned names of the 7 continents.

3:30 Writing: Practiced writing her name and address

*Now it is her choice--so of course, she is watching Arthur :)

We still need to do the 2nd half of her math 'homework' (each day she does one half during the 'lesson', then one later to make sure she remembers :)

So we didn't get everything I wanted to today... but, it was a good day in general :) I will work on MY attitude for tomorrow and it WILL be better! Praying David doesn't have to work--it is suposed to be his day off completley tomorrow... if that's the case, I will be going to Zumba in the morning :) and then 'educating' in the afternoon! :)

Thank you, Lord that we made it threw this far today! Help us to have a better day tomorrow! AMEN!!!


  1. I told should have gotten a substitute today, and met me at Starbucks!

    Good job though Mama! There will always be good days and bad days. The bad days are, of course, when I'm thankful mine go to school!

  2. LOL!! I know, right?! ...I kept thinking, MAN, I could REALLY use a double espresso right now!! lol!

    yes, I know there will be bad days... I did kindof 'threaten' to send them both to school today! :S not the greatest parenting moment ever! Kendyl was being whiney because her brother got a turn before I said, 'do you want me to send you to 'regular school' where there are 25 other kids and you almost NEVER get a turn!?!'... yes, that was not right...please forgive was a moment of weakness! :)

  3. that was still a full day! the only bad part, to me, was the attitudes...which it sounds like you took care of just fine. Don't be so hard on yourself...I think you did great!

  4. thanks, angela!! yes, i am my worst critic! i am a perfectionist...not nearly as bad as i was in previous years... it is sometimes difficult to find a balance between our call from God to 'be excellent in all we do' and our own desires for perfection... God has given me much wisdom and insight into this in the past few years and feel we have finally come to a good 'balance'... i still ALWAYS strive for excellence in everything--but now understand that it's okay to fail too! :)

  5. reminds me of a quote I saw today.."Falling on my face is still forward motion and it helps me to remember that 3 steps forward with 2 steps back is still one step closer to where I want to be.”

  6. Sounds like a hectic but productive day.
    I'll keep praying for you

  7. Girl! You plan a LOT for a day! Homeschooling is a place to practice your "FLEXIBILITY" and it looks like you're getting lots of opportunities to FLEX!! Enjoy it! Bend or you'll BREAK!!
