Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day!

Today was our first official day of homeschooling! Kendyl is now a Kindergartener!! While, I didn't have the same experience today that mom's of 'regular' school kids have--watching their little ones leave on a Huge bus and be gone all day...I did tear up a little! My little girl is growing up! :( I feel for all you moms that had to send your little ones off to school today... I think I would've balled all day!

Here's a look into our day today...

8:00 "Bus" Arrives: for those that don't know...Kendyl's main concern about not going to public school, is that she wouldn't be able to ride the bus!...so, we 'disguised' our van to look like a bus... thankfully, this made her day! She LOVED it! David 'picked' her and Aden up, then they picked their friends, Kali & Anyssa up for a quick bus ride and pictures, then came back to our 'school'.

9:00 Prayer/Praise Songs/'rules' discussion (yes, we're making her raise her hand, etc...just as in a regular classroom--for learning to listen and take turns, etc...and understanding who's in charge...and so she understands this fully if/when she goes to a 'regular' school).

9:30 Kendyl and Aden both drew their self-portraits (which we will do again at the end of the year for comparison)

9:45 Aden went to 'help' daddy with chores, etc... Kendyl and I worked on a 'Summer Suitcase' (cut out of a suitcase that opens and has things she cut out that you would pack in a suitcase, with sentences on them of things she did this summer, and also a drawing of her family camping during the summer)

10:00 Math: Saxon lesson #1: we do a calendar/weather chart daily, writing out the date each time...then a 'lesson' (today was just intro...what do you think mathematicians do?) everyday after this there will be a worksheet (2 sided...one for the morning, one for the afternoon--with the same types of 'problems' on it)

Then we played some counting/math games with some blocks

10:30 Snack/Story: Gregory the Terrible Eater by: Mitchell Sharmat *Also learned Spanish words for mother, father, sister & brother

11:00 Recess with Dad & mom (most times it will be just dad--it will kind of be a 'prep'-time for me). We played a tag version of Red Rover (we called them over by colors they were wearing, then by their spanish title brother (hermano), sister (hermana)...they took turns calling us madre & padre also :) Then we went in the backyard and played in the sand and on swings.

11:45 Writing: Started this new program (Handwriting without tears) ...so, we did the basics of how they form the letters (which is a little different that what kendyl was taught in preschool). Then we did pencil pick-up warm-ups for writing... then Kendyl practiced writing the letter F, using the new technique (awesome! really helps prevent reversals-which was a problem of hers)...plus there are such fun songs to sing as you learn them! :)

12:30 Lunch

1:00 Bible: Story of Joseph and the 'special' coat. Talked about families and thanked God for our family. Started learning the verse: I love you because you made me, in an amazing and wonderful way. Psalm 139:14

1:30 Hooked on Phonics: Worked on Blended sounds and Kendyl read a story Can you get Sam to the ship?-- I was so proud of her... we have really slacked in keeping up with her reading this summer (just did it maybe once a week)...but she didn't forget a thing! :)

2:00 Journal--She dictated it to me for today...then just drew a picture about her first day of school. She drew her on the 'bus' and our 'school house' :)

2:20 few minutes to hang with daddy before he had to go to work

2:30 played outside (kendyl, aden & mommy)

3:00 free play (she played barbies, aden played trains): mommy worked on tomorrow's lessons

3:30 Snack/rest & t.v. time Cailou & Arthur....and mommy's turn for a break too (blogging) :)

At 6:15 Kendyl has dance class tonight! :)

It was such a great day! All of us thrive on schedules/structure here...so it was great! Aden wanted to stay with us all day...but did enjoy 'helping' daddy! Daddy is getting him some tools and making a practice block for him (with screws, nails, etc. in it)--so he can practice!:)

Looking forward to tomorrow and getting our schedule down well, so that I can begin working out on a regular basis again! Hoping to be able to work out either tomorrow evening and/or tuesday morning! We'll see how it goes! :)


  1. that sounds great! full day...what's this suitcase thing? is it like a portfolio for her art? I like it..Kali would LOVE it. You come up with the neatest ideas. Keep up the good work!

  2. I am honestly amazed at some of the things you are doing because they are exactly what Alivia did in Kindergarten! Also, a few things like the journaling, are what she is doing in 1st grade. I would like to know more about this hand-writing program, I really need to work with Lainey on her writing!

    Good job today Maestra!

  3. Gracias!! :) Angela--I'll show you the suitcase thing... was just an art project, but you could use it as a portfolio if you made it a little bigger & put sides or pockets... there is a pic of it posted at the top of this... that's the inside of it... just the cut-out shape of a suitcase with "my summer suitcase" written on the outside. :) I'm with Kali...I could do art projects all day! :)

    Tami--thanks so much! :) I use a lot of what I learned for teaching preschoolers and just 'bump' it up a notch... plus...i think i only had about 1 1/2 years to go to 'upgrade' to a bachelor's in elementary/special ed (kept changing majors)... just have my associate in early childhood...but went for another year and a half after that! anyway... check out the handwriting without tears website... I really like it! Aden is actually joining us in some of this! :)

  4. Thanks for letting the kiddos come over so I could take pics. Your school sounds like oodles more fun the school did for me way back when.
