Thursday, September 10, 2009

Selfish Bug bit me today!

Okay... today we woke up, got ready & I did math with Kendyl. Went well :) Then we read a book called Friends and Kendyl drew a pic of her and a friend of her choice--she chose Aden :) She drew them lying on the floor, putting a Spiderman puzzle together.

Then Daddy 'took over' for awhile, while I went to the Tamarac!!! This was planned (I worked out a schedule where I will usually be able to go to the Tamarac Tue/Thur mornings and some Wednesday mornings...and also Saturday and still be able to teach Kendyl no problem!

Hadn't been there in almost 2 weeks and FELT it! I only did Zumba (was planning on doing much more)... It felt so great to be there, though! Talking to my friends... laughing with my friends...being in Courtney's class...ZUMBA! Awesome!! Then the selfish bug started to bite me... grrr... I kept thinking, 'what was I thinking?! If I just sent Kendyl to school, I could do this everyday and have lots of one-on-one with Aden and get all these cool craft projects done and be involved in a TON of stuff at church & with friends!!!" Had to check myself!!

Was really in a funk about it (didn't help that Courtney told me to 'send my kid to school and get back to her classes!')--- she was half-kidding, but still... anyway... all the way home I was feeling like maybe I didn't want to homeschool...

THEN, I walk in the door and Kendyl and Aden greet me with a big hug and smile (well...aden danced around like a clown to greet me--but that's his way!)... Kendyl proudly showed me her 'school practice' sheet (we try not to use the word, 'work')... I had left a 1st/2nd grade phonics sheet for her to do...half expecting her to do a little of it, then convince daddy she was 'too tired' or something....

but, she did the WHOLE thing... front and back!! On one side, she had to look at a picture, then write it's name.... she wrote 'web', 'net', 'bet', 'bell', 'well', & 'pen' all by herself, with no help on the spellings! Then the other side, she colored all the 'short e' words for a color by word picture... it made the picture of a bell (this was tricky because there were other 'e' words that we long e)... she did it all by herself, then wrote the word 'bell'. Then finished by writing 'et' and 'en' words... get, wet, pet, ten, pen, hen--then on her own, made up a story using those words! I was sooo proud of her... then remembered... I TAUGHT HER TO READ!! AWESOME!! Selfishness Out the window!! :) I'm in this baby! At least for this year!!

Then after lunch, we did our Bible story and reviewed our 2 verses... she recited them perfectly already! (we are only planning on memorizing 1 each week and another one each proud of her!)

So, this afternoon we still need to do her reading and a little writing... right now the kids are outside with daddy, helping him with 'building' things and they are also doing some 'non-standard' and standard measuring! Fun!! Tonight we will have a family game night too!

So... had a little selfish side step... but I'm back in the game! Ready for FUN!! :)


  1. awesome! the waves of selfish wash over all of us HS moms from time to time...let it're doing a great job!

  2. Good for you for working out today! Everyone needs time to be selfish:) I think I'm finally going back to the gym tomorrow, I'm sure my muscles are going to hate me!

  3. hey, I'll take those selfish moments with you! :) I had a few of them yesterday too, I just hid in my room. If I didn't I would have blown, so in some ways, they are blessings...those little bugs! :) love ya <3

  4. Let me clear up what I was saying...

    I DO NOT think it was Selfish for me to workout yesterday! I NEEDED that, my kids NEEDED that and we ALL NEED time for 'breaks'...excersize, reading, praying, breathing!!!

    What I was saying was that I was selfish because I began to think I just wanted to 'throw in the towel' on homeschooling, so that I could basically do whatever I wanted to do (workout everyday for at least 2 hours, 'play' with my friends whenever I want, do crafts whenever I want, etc.)... THAT thinking was selfish!

    That's all I was saying!!
    I WILL take breaks for excersize, prayer, reading, breathing, etc... and won't feel guilty about it! But, I needed to re-focus and remember all the reasons WHY we are homeschooling and put my selfishness aside to do it! :)
