What a terrific day of learning!
We started as always, with a circle time of singing praise songs & prayer, followed by math. Kendyl had her oral assessment for math today (every 10 lessons). She can count to 100 with a hundreds chart and 69 without one. :) Two weeks ago, she was having a difficult time remembering what came after 19, 29, 39, ect... now she's got almost got it down! :) We also played a dice game with her hundred's chart...rolled a BUNCH of dice, 'added' them up and found that number on the chart :)
We worked on a few different handwriting lessons and then gave her a little 'quiz' for her spelling words. She was excited because I let her sit in 'my' chair and use a little white-board to write them! :) She has them all down, except her challenge words: smack, she forgets the k and thank, she forgets the n... she's getting there though! :) it is hard to hear the 'n' in thank and the 'k' is silent in smack... but, she can read those words, no problem! :)
We talked about warm & cool colors, separated her markers into those categories, then colored one 'cool' colored pic, one 'warm' colored pic, and one with both.
We read some stories: the Bubble Factory by: Tommy dePaola and Don't Talk to Strangers by: Christine Mehlhaff... she read a little book called, I Like Bugs, to me :)
Kendyl's favorite part of the day: Scientific Method 101: We wrote down our predictions to some questions about 4 bags of candy: M&M's, Raisinets, 2 different kids of Skittles. Q. examples: Which has the most candies?, Which has the most colors?, Which has something other than chocolate inside it? etc. We sorted each bag by color, counted them and observed/compared them... Kendyl's favorite part, of course, was the taste test! :) She likes the tropical Skittles the best. :)
We continued studying the 7 Continents (God's wonderful Creation!)... talked more about Asia today... got to talk about our friends, Sanjna and Sanya that are Indian and how their parents were born in Asia! :) Then Kendyl drew a pic of some animals and people she might see in Asia. After that, I had write our Genesis 1:1 in her journal and draw a pic of what she thought it looked like when God created the heavens and the earth.
All this happened before lunch time! WOW!! AWESOME!! It is so nice when David can take Aden to the Tamarac while I teach Kendyl! :) We get sooo much done and have sooo much fun! When Aden got home, he joined us in some silly games and then after lunch, we continued studying about Joseph & how God used him, even as a slave, to help people... talked about how all of us have 'jobs' and that we are called to do our BEST at whatever job we are doing! Joseph did this and was greatly blessed because of it!
The kids got time to play with David outside and play their LeapFrog games... now it is 'rest' time... they each get to watch one of their 'shows'... Aden always picks Cailou and Kendyl always picks Arthur. :) Later, we will hopefully get back outside to run around again!
I like tropical skittles too!